
Bill cipher quotes
Bill cipher quotes

bill cipher quotes

Will was initially very rude and distrustful of Gideon, but are now on cordial terms, though Will is still wary of Gideon as he does not fully trust him. This is made by yusunaby, on Deviant Art.

#Bill cipher quotes free

He also has dreams of breaking free from the chains that keep him, and others trapped. Will has a love for many plants and animals. Although he isn't inherently violent, he will use force to protect those he cares about. He is often dizzy, and delusional and quite easy to trick. After all he is still a powerful demon and a Cipher. It does get better over the years though.Įven if Will has learned his lessons it is not recommended pushing him to a breaking point.

bill cipher quotes

He tries to show them meaning of love and compassion,which often enrages twins as they see it as fake and useless. (Perhaps too much for his own good at times.) Twins often come to him for advice. He is also empathetic and can see through others exteriors. Will tends to be a people pleaser allowing people to “trick”him and use him even if he knows what is going on. He respects the twins since they have control over him and he also believes they aren’t lost causes unlike his master Stanford who he is dissapointed in. Will seems to be very calm when he doesn’t get tortured by the Gleefuls. Will's demon form is a light blue triangle with a brick pattern on the front, fans don't use this version as the human version is. Will's eyes can be either red or blue depending how much power they have. His expressions are also a lot sadder and timid. Will's human form is much like Gravity Falls Bill human version only difference being that instead of mostly yellow its now blue.

Bill cipher quotes